How Long Does it Take to Learn How to Draw?

Drawing well is a matter of developing your observational abilities, techniques, and self-assessment abilities.

The basis to drawing well is making the firm commitment to the long-haul of it. You can get VERY good in two years with a clear path, excellent resources, and consistent work on the daily.


For example, there are general tips to help reign in one’s drawing powers. Some of these are:

  • Drawing from reference, as opposed to drawing from imagination

  • Simplifying areas of complexity in your drawing, adding most of the contrast where you want the viewer’s eyes to focus.

  • Not rushing any part of the process whatsoever.

  • Placing the big shapes before the small ones.

  • measuring each mark, line, or shape against the first one you laid down accurately.

  • Deciding whether you’re going for form, line, or separation of lights vs. darks in your image.

All of those will permit you to draw better in a significantly shorter time than if you don’t adhere to those general guidelines.

I could take a complete beginner…untrained, and have them amazing themselves within 2 weeks with enough guidance.

The problem with learning to draw alone, or not having a solid course or structure, if that you often spend hours upon hours walking into dead ends, and earning your abilities the hard way.

Drawing isn’t that hard, really. Anyone can make an observation, take it down with a series of marks, and copy techniques used by the masters. It’s our own human OS and cognitive biases that tend to hold us back.

A lot of people have had success with learning the fundamentals as they go.

But in all sincerity, how long it takes to draw well depends on how quickly you’re willing to forego what you think you know, in favor of learning the techniques, skills, and disciplines that the masters spent their lives teasing out of countless failures.

In the end, whether it takes you 2 years or 20— drawing is worth learning. There’s no joy like being able to transpose timeless artistic fundamentals and give form to them for others to see. There’s a reason people were painting on caves thousands of years ago.

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Grow & Sharpen Your Drawing Skills here. (1,800+ students)

2. Build better Paintings and get Commissions here. (500+ students)

Happy creating,



The Basics of Drawing - Learning how to think in Line


Why I created the Beginner Drawing Course