Course For Drawing and Painting

Course for Drawing and Painting

You’re tryin’ to draw AND Paint? What kind of greedy and beautiful artist are you?

My kind of artist, that’s who.

It’s the best of both world, really. Working in lines, and working in shapes. 

Understanding how to construct linearly and in light and shadow. 

Drawing and painting have a great degree of overlap, but some key differences too. We’ll talk about that for a bit before I hand you the link to the course for drawing and painting.



Drawing is often more line-based. We’re working to use lines to enclose areas and turn them into shapes. 

after which, we shade those shapes to give them more form and volume. Often times we do so with more lines that merge together into more shapes (see the pattern here?) 

Cross hatching or hatching in general are good examples of this. Yet, we’ve also got the ability to smudge our lines, and that’s when we start getting closer in degree to...



Painting is where we think of shapes, largely. We break them down into big, medium and small, and then we apply brush strokes to add color and value.

Painters are often thinking in shapes because it’s quicker to establish large forms than in line, and the “lines” for a painter tend to be dictated by the much-more-malleable brush. Drawing is lots of drawing with finer points, which means the focus shifts back to line work. 

Course for Drawing and Painting

As far as learning to draw and paint, it’s best to tackle each one separately, and then begin to fuse them together. Usually our end results will be painting-based, but when you can draw like a painter, you’ve got a unique advantage creatively. 

It’s like being able to cook the meal, but also prepare dessert. In other words, it’s delicious. 

So what course teaches you not only how to draw, but how to paint? 

Thinking in lines and shapes, working with worlds of edges and colors, it’s a phenomenal way to create.

I look forward to your artistic unfolding. 

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Grow & Sharpen Your Drawing Skills here. (1,800+ students)

2. Build better Paintings and get Commissions here. (500+ students)

3. Work 1:1 with me to grow your art, art-related income streams, or your creative potential

Happy creating.


Drawing Fundamentals - 10 CRUCIAL THINGS to learn for drawing


Digital Drawing Tutorials for Beginners - 3 Things You Must Know.