Digital Drawing Tutorials for Beginners - 3 Things You Must Know.

Digital Drawing tutorials for Beginners

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Digital drawing tutorials will only get you so far as a beginner. The fact is that cherry-picking tutorials just leaves you with incomplete knowledge, and many unknown-unknowns ( things you don’t know that you don’t know.)

You see, as a beginner, you’re in a vulnerable state. If you don’t see appealing results quickly, most likely you’ll get discouraged and stop practicing. 

The problems here are many, but let’s take a look at the solutions that will help you move forward in the best way possible:

  1. Knowing how to practice

  2. Knowing what to practice

  3. Knowing why you’re learning and applying the things that you are.

Yes, we start off vaguely. We draw with shaky, or uncertain lines. The blank page intimidates us, and sometimes we end up erasing more than we end up drawing. 

And that’s alright. It’s where many of us start.

The question then becomes, what sorts of digital drawing tutorials will give us exactly what we need to get better?

Aside from the self discipline to practice and apply the knowledge we find, of course.

Let’s revisit each of the 3 important items listed above, and then we’ll end this post with a list of tutorials that work cohesively together - tutorials that will help you move forward efficiently, and not leave you trying to cobble together bits of what your learned from 20 different videos and places. 

Knowing what to practice:

What you practice matters quite a bit. If you don’t know the fundamentals, you’ll end up just going in circles for a long time.

If we’re aiming for 1% improvements every time we sit down to work (which add up to exponential skill gain pretty quickly) then we’ve got to be efficient. 

So first and foremost when you’re looking into digital drawing tutorials for beginners, you’ve got to find the ones that teach you what the basics are, and how to begin to spot them, think in them, and work with them. 

Read on and we’ll get to that part.

Knowing how to practice:

Practice is how we improve. It’s what gives our skills the scaffolding they need to build impressive structures. 

So once you’ve got a clear overview of all of the basics that go into drawing, you’ve got learn how to work with them. 

For example, there are many tutorials revolving around lines, anatomy, shapes, values, and even the basics of digital art in general. 

It’s nice to set aside time to practice making attractive lines, or going over anatomy until you memorize the shapes and proportions of it. These types of sessions will serve to bolster your drawing ability as a beginner very quickly. 

Knowing why you’re learning and applying the things that you are

Let’s face it— Most of us don’t like to be told what to do without a very good reason. 

Whether we’ve got a rebellious streak (I feel you) or we just need to be cognizant of the reasoning behind the task, it only serves to get us from beginner to intermediate quicker. 

So why are you first learning the basics, then learning how to practice them, and finally understanding why you’re doing that?

Because it’s the perfect storm. It’s what separates those that make progress quickly from those that noodle away for hours and hours only to be disappointed and give up. 

That’s why. 

All of that said, let’s get into some Digital Drawing tutorials for Beginners.

First - Go through the entire Beginner Drawing Course Lite. 

It’s free once you sign up for the BDC list - the link is right here.

Next, watch Lesson 00 of the Beginner Drawing Course.

After that, watch Lesson 01 and do the assignment.

Wait one week, then Watch lesson 02 and do the assignment.

At this point you’ve got plenty of progress under your belt in less than a month.

That’s when it’s time to take the full beginner drawing course. 

All you need to know in any digital art program is how to open documents with good settings, save, draw, erase, edit, and export.  The rest is working on your drawing abilities in the proper modality so as to ascend artistically.


Digital Drawing tutorials for Beginners can be helpful, but remember that everything comes back to the drawing itself. The skill you’re after won’t be found in the software, but in you. 

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Grow & Sharpen Your Drawing Skills here. (1,800+ students)

2. Build better Paintings and get Commissions here. (500+ students)

Happy Drawing. 


Course For Drawing and Painting


Drawing Course Beginner to Advanced - 4 steps to your artistic ascent.